

HIDEW S.r.l. in compliance with Legislative Decree No. 24/2023, in order to counter behaviors or events that may amount to a violation of laws or regulations (national or European Union) and to protect the public interest and the integrity of the entity itself, has established a portal for reports of misconduct that can be reached here.


The Web Portal

The web portal allows the reporter to proceed with an anonymous report or alternatively by providing his or her personal details, ensuring the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter, the person involved and anyone mentioned in the report, as well as the content of it.
The service does not provide tracking logs in order to prevent the possible identification of the reporter who wishes to remain anonymous.

For more information on how it works, you can view operations sheet found at the end of the page.


Protection and responsibility of the reporter

No retaliation or discrimination, direct or indirect, may result against a person who has made a report in good faith. As per the regulations, sanctions are provided for those who violate the measures to protect the whistleblower.
It should be noted that in the case of reports made with malice or gross negligence or that turn out to be false, unfounded, with defamatory content or in any case made for the sole purpose of harming the Company, the reported person or persons affected by the report, the entity may take the appropriate steps, including in legal proceedings.



Upon registration of the report, the service will issue the reporter with a unique 16-digit identification code (report receipt) necessary for subsequent access to the report and possible interaction with the MANAGER.
Reports must be made in good faith and be substantiated with as accurate information as possible so that they are easily verifiable, are taken over by a specially trained MANAGER, and are treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality to preserve the reporter from any risk of retaliation or repercussion.
Within 7 days from the date the report is sent, acknowledgement of receipt will be given to the reporter through the portal.
Within no more than 3 months, further information will follow, again through the portal, until the investigation of the reported event is completed.



All reports are strictly confidential. Any personal data contained in the report will be treated in accordance with the data protection regulations and the GDPR Policy (https://hidew.it/en/privacy) adopted by HIDEW.


Whistleblowing protocol

For more information regarding the procedures and handling of reports, please refer to the Whistleblowing protocol downloadable below.